Celcon® UV25Z
Celcon® UV25Z is a nominal 2.5 melt flow rate acetal copolymer which has been specially stabilized to prevent discoloration and deterioration of mechanical properties from ultraviolet light exposure. The material is available in precolored black or colors.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
供货地区 • 北美洲 • 南美洲
• 拉丁美洲 • 亚太地区
添加剂 • 紫外线稳定剂
性能特点 • 共聚物 • 抗紫外线性能良好
RoHS 合规性 • 联系制造商
外观 • 黑色 • 可用颜色
形式 • 颗粒料
加工方法 • 注射成型
多点数据 • Isothermal Stress vs. Strain (ISO 11403-1)
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 1.41g/cm³ ASTM D792
ISO 1183
溶化体积流率(MVR) (190°C/2.16 kg) 2.20cm³/10min ISO 1133
流动 2.2% ASTM D955
横向流动 1.8% ASTM D955
横向流量 1.7% ISO 294-4
流量 2.2% ISO 294-4
吸水率 ISO 62
饱和, 23°C 0.75%
平衡, 23°C, 50% RH 0.20%
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
拉伸模量 2500MPa ISO 527-2/1A/1
屈服, 23°C 60.7MPa ASTM D638
屈服 63.0MPa ISO 527-2/1A/50
拉伸应变 (屈服) 11% ISO 527-2/1A/50
23°C 2590MPa ASTM D790
23°C 2420MPa ISO 178
冲击性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
简支梁缺口冲击强度 (23°C) 8.0kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
23°C 80J/m ASTM D256
23°C 7.0kJ/m² ISO 180/1A
热性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
1.8 MPa, 未退火 110°C ASTM D648
1.8 MPa, 未退火 90.0°C ISO 75-2/A
维卡软化温度 161°C ISO 306/B50
-- 2 166°C ISO 11357-3
-- 165°C ASTM D3418
线形膨胀系数 ISO 11359-2
流动 0.00011cm/cm/°C
横向 0.00011cm/cm/°C
1 / 2
Celcon® UV25Z 2012年10月16日
注射 额定值单位制
加工(熔体)温度 182 到 199°C
模具温度 82.0 到 93.0°C
Standard reciprocating screw injection molding machines with a high compression screw (minimum 3:1 and preferably 4:1) and low back pressure (0.35 Mpa/50 PSI) are favored. Using a low compression screw (I.E. general purpose 2:1 compression ratio) can result in unmelted particles and poor melt homogeneity. Using a high back pressure to make up for a low compression ratio may lead to excessive shear heating and deterioration of the material.
Melt Temperature: Preferred range 182-199 C (360-390 F). Melt temperature should never exceed 230 C (450 F).
Mold Surface Temperature: Preferred range 82-93 C (180-200 F) especially with wall thickness less than 1.5 mm (0.060 in.). May require mold temperature as high as 120 C (250 F) to reproduce mold surface or to assure minimal molded in stress. Wall thickness greater than 3mm (1/8 in.) may use a cooler (65 C/150 F) mold surface temperature and wall thickness over 6mm (1/4 in.) may use a cold mold surface down to 25 C (80 F). In general, mold surface temperatures lower than 82 C (180 F) may hinder weld line formation and produce a hazy surface or a surface with flow lines, pits and other included defects that can hinder part performance.
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。
2 10°C/min